Macron acusado de transfobia por críticas à política da aliança de Esquerda.

Publicado por Le MONDE
O presidente francês criticou na terça-feira uma proposta que permite aos cidadãos mudar de género nas Câmaras Municipais.

French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday, June 19, faced accusations of transphobia after lashing out at the policy platform of the Nouveau Front Populaire left-wing alliance, in particular a proposal allowing citizens to change gender at the town hall.

The creation of the Nouveau Front Populaire, which groups left-wingers from Socialists to Communists, has been an unwelcome development for Macron since he called the snap elections in response to his party’s defeat by the far right in European polls. His ruling alliance is forecast to come only third in the parliamentary elections on June 30 – followed by a second round on July 7 – behind the far-right Rassemblement National (RN) and the left-wing alliance.
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But Macron said Tuesday on a visit to western France that he “had confidence in the French.” “They see well what is on offer. The RN and its associates offer things which may make people happy but in the end we are talking 100 billion [euros] a year.” “And on the other side, with the extreme left, it’s four times worse − there is no more laïcité, they will go back on the immigration law and there are things that are completely grotesque like changing your gender at the town hall,” he added.

Macron’s comments appeared to cause disquiet even in the ranks of his own ruling Renaissance party. “For trans people, for LGBT people, for everyone… we must reject all stigmatization in political discourse and advance rights,” Renaissance MP Clément Beaune posted on X.

“Emmanuel Macron is using transphobia to attack the manifesto of his political opponents,” said Julia Torlet of SOS Homophobie. “The strategy is clear: use minorities in the race for power,” she added.

His comments also sparked an immediate counter-attack from left-wing opponents. “We were waiting for Jupiter but we got Nero,” sniped Socialist Party leader Olivier Faure. Macron before becoming head of state in 2017 had said France needed a “Jupiterian” presidency in reference to the Roman king of the gods. Nero was one of the Roman emperors most notorious for tyrannical rule. “How is it possible that this man who was elected and re-elected to confront the extreme right is in reality repeating the discourse of the extreme right?” Faure said on RTL radio. Communist Party chief Fabien Roussel told Franceinfo radio that the comments were a sign Macron was “losing his nerve”. “I sense a bit of febrility,” he said.